If tyre pressure such as truck tyre, agricultural tyre or industrial tyre is too high, the central of tyre surface need to bear the weight of vehicles, which will speed up the wear of tyre surface central. If the wear is too terrible, the service life of tyre will be shortened.
The tyres we use in our daily life r near our life include car tyre, motorcycle tyre, truck tyre and others. During our daily application of tyre, what we need to do is to take good care of our tyre.
If your car tyre, motorcycle tyre or sand tyre appears such condition, please pay attention to your tyre pressure. The main reason of this condition is insufficient pressure. The biggest problem for tyres is low pressure.
In our daily life, we can see vehicles everywhere as well as the tyre. We can see car tyre, truck tyre, motorcycle tyre and others on the road. After a period of using them, we need to upgrade them. Here are benefits of upgrading tyres.
Many vehicles owners may think in wrong way that because of the high temperature in summer, we need to lower the vehicles tyre pressure,such as the car tyre, agricultural tyre. While do you know the result of this action?
Sometimes, we will rub our vehicle tyres by accident during our driving. We need to learn that the side of the TBB Tyre, motorcycle tyre or sand tyre is the most weak part of the tyres.
If it is a working vehicle within 30 kilometers of a mine road or cons...